Certified Supply Chain Professional

Why Seek CSCP the Designation?
APICS CSCP 認證為您提供端到端供應鏈知識,幫助您和您的業務在當今經濟中保持競爭力。增強您供應鏈管理的信心,掌握為供應商、工廠和分銷商帶來新想法所需的技能,同時提高客戶滿意度。
通過 CSCP 認證,您將獲得有效管理全球供應鏈工作的寶貴經驗,並落實基本概念和戰略,以改善日常運營。
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每年大約有超過15,000人參加了APICS 認證考試,2022年有超過5000人參加CSCP考試
通過學習最佳實踐、共同管理語言和溝通, 獲得增強競爭力和培養協作的能力
■ 從事運營管理和供應鏈管理的中高階主管
■ 運營管理和供應鏈管理相關的諮詢顧問和專業人士
■ 企業資源管理—ERP系統的開發,銷售和專案顧問
■ 希望在運營管理和供應鏈管理領域拓展職業的有志之士
■ 瞭解成功的供應鏈管理為企業創造的價值
■ 學習如何創建與公司戰略一致的供應鏈策略
■ 深入瞭解供應鏈管理活動的設計、計畫、執行,控制及監測
■ 評估全球化物流中的關鍵決策因素,建立與總體戰略相符的物流網路
■ 瞭解供應鏈的自然波動性,採購及供應商關係的戰略重要性
■ 學習用於供應鏈管理,具有全球化和協作商務的新興資訊科技
Earning Your CSCP
您的 APICS 認證準備工作從 APICS 學習系統開始。CSCP 2023 學習系統分為八個綜合模組
Test your knowledge. Take five sample questions
CSCP Book 1
Module1 : Supply Chains, Demand Management and Forecasting 供應鏈管理及預測
Module2 : Global Supply Chain Networks 全球供應鏈設計
Module3 : Sourcing Products and Services 採購管理
CSCP Book 2
Module4 : Internal Operations and Inventory 運營及庫存管理
Module5 : Forward and Reverse Logistics 正向及逆向物流
Module6 : Supply Chain Relationships 供應鏈上下游關係
Module7 : Supply Chain Risk 供應鏈風險管理
Module8 : Optimization, Sustainability and Technology 供應鏈優化,永續發展及新科技
■ 教材課本分為8個模組,2本美國進口原版教材;
■ 一個APICS線上學習帳號,線上輔助學習系統CSCP learning system including;
可以方便使用PC, Notebook, Pad, 手機等移動設備學習 ;
每個模組有相應的各章節學習活動 ;
可提供詳盡的個人學習進度報告 及練習題成績報告和考題解答說明。
由具有精湛講課技巧, 豐富實踐經驗,並獲得APICS 官方審查授權的頂級講師授課
小班授課, 更多討論和案例研究,每班建立Line學習群組,持續交流團隊學習,課後講師親自輔導考前準備
Module 1: Supply Chains, Demand Management, and Forecasting
■ Section A: Introduction to Supply Chains
Topic 1: Supply Chain Models
Topic 2: Supply Chain Maturity and Complexity
■ Section B: Demand Analysis and Patterns
Topic 1: Demand Analysis
Topic 2: Demand Patterns
■ Section C: Demand Management
Topic 1: Demand Management
Topic 2: Influencing Demand
■ Section D: Forecasting
Topic 1: Forecasting Principles and Process
Topic 2: Forecasting Methods
Topic 3: Measures of Forecast Error
■ Section E: Supply and Demand Alignment
Topic 1: Supply and Demand Alignment
Topic 2: Sales and Operations Planning
Module 2: Global Supply Chain Networks
■ Section A: Supply Chain Design and Optimization
Topic 1: Supply Chain Design and Management
Topic 2: Business and IT Requirements
Topic 3: Technology Analysis and Optimization
■ Section B: End-to-End Connectivity and Visibility
Topic 1: Supply Chain Technology Applications
Topic 2: Connectivity, Visibility/Sharing, and Legal
Topic 3: Supply Chain Master Data
■ Section C: Supply Chain Metrics and Reports
Topic 1: Supply Chain Metrics, Reports, and SCOR
Topic 2: Financial and Operational Metrics and Reports
Module 3: Sourcing Products and Services
■ Section A: Aligning Sourcing to Demand
Topic 1: Make-Versus-Buy, Outsourcing, and Offshoring
Topic 2: Sourcing Requirements and Total Costs
■ Section B: Category Strategy for Sourcing
Topic 1: Supply Plans, Categories, and Segmentation
Topic 2: Supply Base Analysis and Right-Sizing
■ Section C: Product Design Influence
Topic 1: Product Design
Topic 2: Quality, Customization, and Sustainability
■ Section D: Supplier Selection, Contracting, and Use
Topic 1: Supplier Evaluation and Selection
Topic 2: Contracts
Topic 3: Purchase Orders
Module 4: Internal Operations and Inventory
■ Section A: Planning Operations
Topic 1: Planning Operations
Topic 2: Materials and Inventory
■ Section B: Capacity and Production Activity Control
Topic 1: Capacity
Topic 2: Production Activity Control
■ Section C: Inventory
Topic 1: Inventory
Topic 2: Replenishment Strategies
Topic 3: Traceability, Accuracy, and Disposition
■ Section D: Performance and Continuous Improvement
Topic 1: Operations, Inventory, and Financial Performance
Topic 2: Continuous Improvement
Topic 3: Quality Tools
Topic 4: Continuous Improvement Methods
Module 5: Forward and Reverse Logistics
■ Section A: Logistics and Distribution
Topic 1: Logistics
Topic 2: Warehousing and Materials-Handling Strategy
Topic 3: Transportation Strategy
■ Section B: Distribution Services and Transportation Choices
Topic 1: Distribution Services and Delivery Patterns
Topic 2: Transportation Mode and Carrier Selection
■ Section C: Trade Considerations
Topic 1: Legal, Security, and Regulatory Requirements
Topic 2: Import/Export Regulations and Documentation
Topic 3: Trade Zones and Blocs
■ Section D: Reverse Flow
Topic 1: Reverse Logistics
Topic 2: Waste
Module 6: Supply Chain Relationships
■ Section A: Customer Relationships
Topic 1: Customer Relationships and Segmentation
Topic 2: Customer Relationship Management
Topic 3: Customer Service Metrics and Performance
■ Section B: Supplier and Supply Chain Relationships
Topic 1: Supplier Relationships and Segmentation
Topic 2: Strategic Sourcing and Alliances
Topic 3: Supplier Performance
Topic 4: Supply Chain Relationship Management
Module 7: Supply Chain Risk
■ Section A: Risk Management and Supply Chain Risks
Topic 1: Risk Management
Topic 2: Risk Identification and Supply Chain Risks
■ Section B: Risk Analysis and Response
Topic 1: Risk Analysis
Topic 2: Risk Responses, Action Plans, and Business Continuity
Module 8: Optimization, Sustainability, and Technology
■ Section A: Optimizing Supply Chain Strategy and Tactics
Topic 1: Business and Supply Chain Strategy
Topic 2: Supply Chain Strategic Value and Optimization
■ Section B: Sustainability
Topic 1: Sustainable Supply Chains
Topic 2: Sustainability Guidelines and Standards
■ Section C: Technology Trends
Topic 1: Emerging Technology Trends
Topic 2: Technology Assessment and Implementation